
The mobile shift of Chatel Group – Transportissimo
Jean-Loup Leteissier, chief operating officer, talks about the group’s digital transformation.
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Interview Audrey Cayetano on the challenges of transport and logistics players
Audrey Cayetano decrypts the expectations and challenges of the sector in the current environment.
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Transports JOLIVAL – Feedback on GedMouv
Between Nantes and Angers, the family business Jolival (49) is one of the first users of the electronic consignment note proposed by GedMouv.
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Interview with Audrey CAYETANO – EcoLogistics
Audrey Cayetano answers EcoLogistics’ questions about the future of road transport and its environmental issues.
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Solutions to simplify route management by Cofisoft
Cofisoft offers customers simplify management of tours through the couple ACS and Trans GedMouv.
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Jean-Claude Plâ elected Carrier of the year 2019
Jean Claude Plâ talks about projects undertaken by Vingeanne Transports.
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The TPE uses GedMouv as a real tool for exploitation and embedded computing.
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The Caille Group, the power of a story
The Caille Group speaks about its traceability strategy put in place with its charter companies.
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Transport DEPAEUW
Julien Depaeuw gives us his vision of a transparent transport, but mastered, with high added value, where the optimization of means and computer flows benefits all .
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Interview: Benefit from centralised visibility to optimise your organisation
In the context of the “Collaborative Supply Chain: Challenges and Solutions” folder, Audrey CAYETANO, Product Marketing Manager, answers FAQ Logistique’s questions.
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Interview with Audrey CAYETANO
Audrey Cayetano, Product Marketing Manager, highlights the objectives of the B2PWeb, GedTrans and GedMouv tools and their development potential.
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Connecting Carriers and Prime Contractors – Informations Entreprise
B2PWEB (H2P holding company) provide their customers with full web business solutions to optimise their transport and monitoring of their service providers.
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GedMouv integrates route management – Transportissimo
Following the estimated delivery time (ETA) and the electronic consignment note, GedMouv integrates route management into its platform and mobile app. The company continues its approach of pooling…
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B2PWeb launches its Innovation Lab – Transport Info
True to its startup DNA, the company is investing in its own innovation factory. B2PWeb is creating its Innovation unit to enrich its technology monitoring to anticipate future trends and uses…
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GedMouv attracts new developers – VoxLog
The first quarter of 2018 showed signs of numerous fruitful collaborations between B2PWeb and developers of transport solutions…
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Aftral students will be trained in using the transport traceability tool Gedmouv – VoxLog
To better immerse transport and logistics students in their future profession, Aftral has signed a partnership with B2PWeb, developer of the Gedmouv platform.
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GedMouv connects SC actors – Usine nouvelle
In a “win-win” optimisation approach, the GedMouv traceability solution for goods flows has already won over major retailers, manufacturers and their transport providers…
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Groupe Ageneau moves towards controlled traceability – TRM le Guide
Arnaud Ageneau, young co-manager of the Cholet group, explains his IT management control strategy, and his involvement with the GedMouv platform, which he wants to see at the heart of the relationship between shippers and carriers.
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